Tartuffe by Molière, a cunning impostor, infiltrates a wealthy family with his rhetorical skills. A crisis ensues within the family, and the drama unfolds. This classic is presented in a modern adaptation with high artistic quality. This year, the joyful Molière takes the stage, promising both seriousness and laughter.
Rynge Teater is "the theater against all odds." A café theater located in the rural Skåne countryside, not on Österlen where galleries, music venues, and other cultural institutions abound. No, Rynge Teater is situated west of Ystad in the small and secluded village of Rynge. Buses do not come here, and the train speeds by at 160 km/h, literally just a stone's throw away from the theater. But here, we take theater art seriously, against all odds.
Christer Jonsson's unique "play against film screen" technique interprets the great classics in a modern context with high dramaturgical quality, as these classics illuminate human nature and still reflect modern societal issues today.
Rynge Teater applies income-related pricing. You choose the price category based on your income, adjusting according to your financial situation or life circumstances.
från tisdag 8 augusti
till fredag 11 augusti
Rynge Teater
tel: +46709615616
Epost: info@ryngeteater.se
Rynge Teater
Ryngevägen 316
27194 Ystad
Opening hours
Wednesday - Friday: 18:30 - 22:00
Saturday: 17:30 - 19:00