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Sunny Saturdays LIVE at Saluhallen Ystad

On March 22, Sunny Saturdays will return to Ystad for a gig at Saluhallen. The Lunda band with Ystadrötter has, during its almost two active years, played at everything from Mejeriet and Biografteatern Scala to Strandkompaniet and Kulturnatten, and now brings its wealth of songs and energetic performances to Ystad's freshest dance floors. The music is dance-friendly and punchy, and draws inspiration from a range of different sources. With two singles in the bag and an upcoming EP on the horizon, the band is ready to make the floor rock and the roof rise.

For people under the age of 25, a discounted price is offered on the ticket. The ticket also includes the option to stay at the club after the gig.

TICKETS (all tickets apply to unnumbered standing space.):

Listen here:


Albin Hane – Vocals and Guitar

Albin Nerman – Vocals

Astor Bruxe – Acoustic guitar

Svante Wallseth – Keyboard + Trumpet

Axel Wigstad – Bass

Ludvig Nystedt – Drums

Marcus André – Lead guitar


torsdag 21 mars



Sales hall Ystad
tel: 041139777

Sales hall Ystad
Stora Västergatan 3
271 35 Ystad

Opening hours

Friday 22 March 2024

Doors: 8 p.m

On stage: 9 p.m

Tickets: all tickets apply to unnumbered standing space.

The event has been
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