Taste "Swedish Wines 2023" / Wine Festival
The 7th wine festival at Skepparps Vingård will be on 28 and 29 July 2023.
Our amazing chef Tareq Taylor plans and puts together the festival food as in previous years. It will be a festival plate that he composes to work in terms of taste with the Solaris grape. Tareq plans and cooks but we can't promise that he will have time to serve this summer. He is a very busy cook with lots of commitment.
The wine festival "Taste Swedish Wines" has become a tradition in Österlen. This is the 7th time we have organized the festival. There is great interest in Swedish wines and the festival.
We have discovered that the festival works best with a maximum of 2,000 visitors. Then everyone gets a seat and can calmly enjoy their "summer experience".
That is why all tickets must be booked in advance.
Many have made the festival their recurring summer activity – a tradition. You stay for a long time, enjoy and socialize. Taste wines, eat amazing food composed by Tareq Taylor, take a crash course in wine tasting, learn a little about how to grow grapes or just have a nice summer day at one of the most beautiful vineyards in Österlen.
Read about the upcoming wine festival on the festival's website (vinfestivalosterlen.se), where you can also book your tickets!

från torsdag 27 juli
till fredag 28 juli
Skepparps Winery
tel: 070-577 19 10
Epost: info@vinfestivalosterlen.se
Skepparps Vingård / Wine Festival "Taste Swedish Wines 2023"
Verkaåvägen 56
277 37 Kivik (Skepparp/Ralvunda)
Opening hours
Opening hours:
Friday 28 July between 11.30 and 17.00
Saturday 29 July between 11.30 and 17.00