Fall holiday hauntings
What happened to Selma Hasselmus? Brave children (accompanied by a brave adult) are wanted to help Selma in Stenshuvud National Park. Many spooks are promised! 🦇👻 Free activity for all children on autumn holiday. No pre-registration.
Autumn holidays at the Naturum!
- Naturum is open Tuesday - Sunday at 11 - 16
- Spider hunting at a nature center
- Autumn holiday hauntings Saturday 4/11 and Sunday 5/11 at 13 - 14:30
All activities during the autumn holiday week are free and start from naturum Stenshuvud.

söndag 22 oktober
Stenshuvud National Park
tel: 010 - 22 42 400
Epost: naturum.stenshuvud@lansstyrelsen.se
naturum Stenshuvud
Stenshuvud National Park
277 35 Kivik
Opening hours
Naturum is open Tuesday - Sunday at 11 - 16
Autumn holiday hauntings Saturday 4/11 and Sunday 5/11 at 13 - 14:30