Family show at Glimmingehus
There are stories that have power enough to live for a thousand years! With his narrative performance, Jerker invites you to a sparkling world about the gods and heroes of the Viking Age. Tales where, with his brilliant ingenuity, he weaves together the tale with facts about clothes, weapons and how people lived.
The actor Jerker Fahlström is one of the world's most traveled storytellers! During his travels around the world, Jerker Fahlström has collected a large number of stories. He wants to share them with you!
As an actor, Jerker has many years of experience on both stage, film, radio and television, and over the years has played several leading roles in both children's and adult theater
The performances are given outside if the weather permits, otherwise in the castle's main hall.
Max 80 people/performance
Price: SEK 180 for adults, 6-18 SEK 60, 0-6 free
Unfortunately, accessibility to the main hall is limited due to high steps.
måndag 24 juli
Glimminge house
tel: +46 (0)72 702 59 90
Glimminge house
Borgsvägen 6
27656 Hammenhög
Opening hours
At 14.00 - 15.00