Lecture: Lars Jönsson
Lars Jönsson is file. lic. in historical archeology at Lund University. He runs the company Österlenarkeologi, which offers archaeological missions, cultural history courses, lectures and excursions to cultural historical environments. Over the years, Lars Jönsson has carried out archaeological research, i.a. at Glimmingehus and at the Premonstratensian monastery in Tommarp, the site of the medieval town of Tumathorp. The lecture will be about castles, castles and royal estates from an archaeological perspective as well as important places for the nobility and royalty in the Tosterup area during the Middle Ages.
Registration: biblioteket@tomelilla.se
In collaboration with the Österlenakademien.
Photo: Annette Andersson

onsdag 11 oktober
Tomelilla library
tel: 0417-181 90
Epost: biblioteket@tomelilla.se
Tomelilla library
Centralgatan 13
273 30 Tomelilla
Opening hours
Thursday 12/10 at 18.00-19.30