"I regret everything!"
During the winter, we will show a retrospective exhibition with Leif Eriksson in the center, who was a pioneer in Swedish conceptual art!
The artist Leif Eriksson passed away in 2019. His artistic archive SAAB (Swedish Archive of Artists' Books) is part of the Ystad Art Museum's art collection and forms the basis of the museum's collection of artists' books. Artists' books are artist-made books, where the artist uses the book as an alternative space for his artistic ideas.
Ystad's art museum also owns all the titles of Eriksson's books that he published on his own publisher Wedgepress and Cheese. These two projects form the core of the exhibition where Leif Eriksson's own artwork is presented alongside his collaboration with other artist colleagues.
He was one of Sweden's foremost conceptual artists and artists' books were his specialty. He was early with that expression in Sweden, and both his production and his collecting play an important place in our contemporary art history.
The exhibition is curated by Thomas Millroth and Anders Rasmussen.

från fredag 8 december
till lördag 6 april
Ystad's art museum
tel: 0411-577285
Epost: konstmuseet@ystad.se
Ystad's art museum
St. Knut's Square
271 42 Ystad
Opening hours
Tuesday - Friday: 12-17
Saturday - Sunday: 12-4pm